No, the Duette fit is assessed based on comfort, lens movement and over-refraction.
- Assess movement
- Lens movement up to 1mm (at straight ahead and upward gaze)
- Good centration
- No wrinkling at the skirt edge
- Assess comfort
- At this stage, there may be awareness of the, which is acceptable. Differentiate between discomfort and mild awareness. Mild awareness is not a concern as adaptation by wearing the lenses will eliminate this sensation.
- Check acuities
- Due to the tear lens, the final lens power is expected to be up to 1.00D more minus than the spherical portion of the spectacle refraction – because of tear lens neutralization. (Do not adjust for the cylinder correction of the spectacle Rx.)
- If distance vision is not functional:
- Confirm the patient is not over-minused.
- Check for residual lenticular astigmatism.